Homes 4 Wounded Heroes, Homes 4 GoldStars
thru: Military Warriors Support Foundation
• Awards mortgage-free homes to combat wounded veterans and to unmarried Gold Star spouses whose loved ones were Killed-In-Action.
Eligibility: Must be a combat wounded veteran (Purple Heart recipient given priority) from any American conflict or be an unmarried spouse of a veteran who was KIA during combat or combat training during any American conflict. Must be honorably retired or separated from the military. (Those with compelling situations, whom are less than 90 days from retirement or separation may be considered). Must not currently have a mortgage.
Application Process: Must apply online.
Required Documentation: Call for information.
Fees: No fee for services.
Coverage Note: United States.
This program is offered here:
Military Warriors Support Foundation

211 N Loop 1604 E
San Antonio TX 78232
San Antonio TX 78232
M-F 8:00AM-4:30PM.