Give an Hour

provided by Give an Hour

Map Marker 1

Give an Hour

PO Box 5918
Bethesda MD 20824
M-F 9:00AM-5:00PM.
Website available 24 hours.

* Provides confidential mental health counseling via phone, video counseling, and in-person to service members, veterans, and their loved ones.

* Provides no cost care to a few other carefully selected populations, including victims of natural and man-made disasters, survivors of gun violence and their families, victims of crime, and survivors of abuse and assault.

* Serves the above populations through the following types of volunteer mental health professionals and services:
  • Psychologist, Psychiatrists, licensed marriage and family counselors, licensed clinical social workers, pastoral counselors.
  • Individual, martial, group, and family services.

Eligibility: Provides no cost mental health services to at-risk groups nationwide including the veteran and military community, victims of natural disasters, and survivors of gun violence through a variety of programs. Please see for eligibility requirements.

Application Process: No application necessary access information via website.

Required Documentation: None.

Fees: No fee for service.

Coverage Note: United States.


Give an Hour is a national nonprofit that provides barrier-free mental health counseling. A network of volunteer mental health professionals provides one hour per week for one year to those who qualify.  
