Critical Financial Assistance

* Assists military families coping with deployment and injury recovery as they struggle with devastating budget issues. Critical financial assistance is provided for the following services:
  • Auto payment.
  • Auto Repair.
  • Child & dependent care.
  • Dental.
  • Food assistance.
  • Essential home items.
  • Medical.
  • Moving & relocation.
  • Rent & Mortgage.
  • Travel & Transportation.
  • Utilities.
  • Vision Care.
  • Home Repairs.

Eligibility: Any service member who was active, deployed or wounded in the last 7 years is eligible for assistance, with proper documentation. Please see attachment in resource for eligibility criteria.

Application Process: Complete application that is available at All applications must be completed online in the first ten days of each month.

Required Documentation: Proof of all household income (i.e. most recent LES or RAS, civilian pay, disability benefits, etc.). Line of Duty documentation or other official record of a wound, illness, or injury being sustained in the line of duty. Copy of deployment orders.

Fees: No fee for services.

Coverage Note: New York State.