Public Health Services
provided by Ontario County Public Health

Ontario County Public Health
Canandaigua NY 14424
Bus service available.
Wheelchair accessible.
* Provides Public health services related to:
- Chronic Diseases
- Communicable Diseases
- Emergency Preparedness
- Rabies Prevention
- Immunizations
- Lead Poisoning Prevention
- Sexually Transmitted Diseases
- Tuberculosis
- Maternal Child Health, including breastfeeding support, childbirth classes, and newborn care classes
- Early Intervention and Special Education Preschool
- Stop DWI program
Cultural Competency
Language Access
Eligibility: Resident of area served.
Application Process: Call for an appointment.
Required Documentation: Call for information.
Fees: Varies according to program. Insurance accepted for some services. Sliding fee scale. No services denied due to inability to pay. Call for information.
Coverage Note: Ontario County.
Cultural Competency: Signage and advertising for diverse populations, Cultural competency, diversity, equity, and inclusion training for staff, Staff reflects population served
Languages: Instant Language Assistant for verbal, written and ASL translation in real time. - Language line, Materials/literature in language indicated, Website can be translated
Ontario County Public Health promotes physical and mental health and prevents disease, injury, and disability.