Westmoreland House

provided by Ronald McDonald House Charities of Rochester, New York

Map Marker 1

Ronald McDonald House Charities of Rochester, New York

333 Westmoreland Drive
Rochester NY 14620
M-SU Staffed 24 hours a day.
Bus Service:

Public Transportation Available (RTS). University of Rochester Shuttle service to and from the Golisano Children's Hospital. Van transportation available to the hospital.

Disabilities Access:

Ramps. Rooms are accessible.


* Offers 24 private rooms with full bathrooms, complementary meals, snacks, shared kitchen, laundry facilities, and play area. Located 5 minutes from Golisano Children's Hospital.

Cultural Competency BadgeCultural Competency

Eligibility: Families of children 21 years and under receiving medical treatment within the area served and reside at least 12 miles from the facility.

Application Process: Referral must be made through doctors, nurses or social workers. Call for information.

Required Documentation: Call for information.

Fees: No fee for services.

Coverage Note: Monroe County. Other counties will be assisted if receiving services within the county.

Cultural Competency: Signage and advertising for diverse populations, Cultural competency, diversity, equity, and inclusion training for staff, Staff reflects population served


Ronald McDonald House Charities of Rochester, New York is a temporary lodging for families of seriously ill or injured children who are in Rochester area hospitals. They also provide areas of respite at Strong, Unity and Golisano hospitals in the form of family rooms.