Child Support Enforcement
provided by Livingston County Department of Social Services

Livingston County Department of Social Services
1 Murray Hill Drive
Mt Morris NY 14510
Mt Morris NY 14510
Toll Free:
(Social Services)
M-F 8:00AM-4:00PM.
* Offers Child Support Collection Services that provides:
- Collecting, enforcing and distributing child support payments in coordination with the State Division of Child Support Enforcement.
- Establishment of a court order/child support.
- Location of absent parent.
- Determination of paternity.
Eligibility: Any child or person responsible for the care of a child residing in Livingston County.
Application Process: Call, walk-in, appointment or referral.
Required Documentation: Call for information.
Fees: Call for information.
Coverage Note: Livingston County.
Livingston County Department of Social Services assists all Livingston County residents with social and financial supports.