Thrift Shop

provided by Friendship House of Middlesex**

Map Marker 1

Friendship House of Middlesex

5614 Williams Street
Middlesex NY 14507
W 3:00PM-6:00PM.
F-SA 10:30AM-2:30PM.
Disabilities Access:

Wheelchair accessible.


* Provides low cost clothing, accessories, housewares and children's items.

* Offers free winter coats for children and adults in need.

* Offers free socks as a Bombas Giving Partner. 

* Provides free clothing and basic household items in crisis/emergency events such as; domestic, fire, flood, etc.

Eligibility: None.

Application Process: Walk-in to Friendship House.

Required Documentation: None.

Fees: Small fee.

Coverage Note: Ontario and Yates counties. No one turned away.


Friendship House of Middlesex offers a food pantry, and a thrift shop with low cost clothing and household goods. 
