Substance Abuse/Problem Gambling Hotline
provided by New York State Office of Addiction Services and Supports

New York State Office of Addiction Services and Supports Western Regional Office
Rochester NY 14620
* Offers a telephone information and referral hotline for problem gambling issues and provides information on support groups and treatment programs in New York State.
Eligibility: None.
Application Process: Call for information.
Required Documentation: Call for information.
Fees: None except for video subscribers.
Coverage Note: New York State.
Languages: Spanish
OASAS plans, develops and regulates the state’s system of substance use disorder treatment and gambling treatment agencies. This includes the direct operation of 12 Addiction Treatment Centers, which serve around 8,000 persons per year. The agency inspects and monitors the over 900 substance use disorder treatment programs to guarantee quality of care and to ensure compliance with state and national standards. OASAS is the single designated state agency responsible for the coordination of state-federal relations in the area of addiction services.