Alcoholics Anonymous of the Finger Lakes

provided by Alcoholics Anonymous of the Finger Lakes

Map Marker 1

Alcoholics Anonymous of the Finger Lakes

PO Box 204
Clifton Springs NY 14432
(Forwards calls to volunteer who has meeting information)
24 Hour answering service.
Disabilities Access:

Call for information.


* Offers information to connect to: Twelve step-self help groups for alcoholics, twelve step groups for friends and relatives of alcholics, and phone, online, and socially-distanced in-person groups.

Eligibility: Desire to stop drinking.

Application Process: Call answering service for meeting referral or information.

Required Documentation: None.

Fees: No fee for services.

Coverage Note: Ontario, Seneca, Wayne and Yates Counties.


Alcoholics Anonymous of the Finger Lakes offers a twelve-step self-help group for those who identify as alcoholics; groups for teens impacted by alcohol abuse; and groups for friends and relatives affected by alcoholism.