Brighton Food Cupboard
provided by JFS Rochester

Brighton Food Cupboard
Suite 201
Rochester NY 14604
Eligibility: Residents in zip codes 14607, 14610, 14618 or 14620. If callers live in zip code 14607, 14610, 14618, or 14620 and have no case manager, then food will be delivered to the home. If callers live in any zip code in Monroe County and have a case manager, then they must have their case manager contact the appointment line to arrange for case manager to pick up food. Eligible to receive food one time per month.
Application Process: No drop-ins. Callers living outside of those 4 zip codes can have their case manager pick up and deliver food to their client.
Required Documentation: Call for information.
Fees: No fee for services.
Coverage Note: Monroe County for callers who have a case manager. Zip codes 14607, 14610, 14618 and 14620 for others without case manager.
Jewish Family Services of Rochester aids all individuals, families, and communities by providing comprehensive social services.