Family Dental Center

provided by CP Rochester

Map Marker 1

Family Dentistry Center

1000 Elmwood Avenue
Rochester NY 14620
Call to schedule appointment.
Bus Service:

Call for information.

Disabilities Access:

Call for information.

* Provides an accessible oral care clinic which treats all patients and specializes in the treatment of adults and children with developmental and/or physical disabilities. The facility accommodates individuals with a variety of mobility challenges including:

  • A ceiling track/lift system for transfers from wheelchairs. 
  • Customized treatment rooms. 
  • Dental equipment including a panoramic x-ray machine. 
  • Staff are experienced in calming patients and reducing anxiety. 

Eligibility: Call for information.

Application Process: Call for information.

Required Documentation: Call for information.

Fees: Call for information.

Coverage Note: Rochester.


CP Rochester supports individuals of all ages and abilities in determining their own pathway in life. Partners with individuals, their families and the community to fulfill the individuals right to live a productive and rewarding life. Provides a wide range of quality health, educational and support services in the greater Rochester area to assist individuals in achieving their goals.