Social Security Administration
provided by United States Social Security Administration Rochester

United States Social Security Administration Greece
2nd Floor
Rochester NY 14626
Emergencies and closings are posted online.
Wheelchair Accessible.

United States Social Security Administration Rochester
2nd Floor
Rochester NY 14606
Emergencies and closings are posted online.
Wheelchair Accessible.
* Administration of Federal Programs such as Social Security, Medicare and Supplemental Security Income (SSI).
- Outreach programs
- Assignment of Social Security numbers and cards
- Records of Social Security numbers, earnings, and benefits
* Provides online information for special groups at the following websites.
* Offers online services that will allow callers to apply for benefits, estimate their future benefits and also provide services for callers who already receive benefits please see attached document for websites and more information.
Language Access
Eligibility: Social Security number and card: proof of age, identity and citizenship. Partial Social Security benefits: ages 62-64 years. Widows partial Social Security benefits: ages 60-64 years. Full Social Security benefits: age 65 years and over or 6 months under Medicare. Supplemental Security Income (SSI): blind or disabled. Varied requirements for survivors, dependents and the disabled.
Application Process: Walk in, call for information. Visit nearest office to apply for assistance or visit website.
Required Documentation: Call or visit website for information.
Fees: No fee for services.
Coverage Note: Monroe County.
The Social Security Administration Rochester administers Social Security, Medicare, and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) federal programs and emergency housing for individuals on SSI who have an emergency housing problem.