Christmas Angel Tree Assistance & Christmas Food Assistance

provided by The Salvation Army of Auburn, NY - Cayuga County

Map Marker 1

Salvation Army Cayuga County

18 E Genesee Street
Auburn NY 13021
(Main Office number open to public)
M, T, TH 9:00AM-3:00PM.
W 9:00AM-12:00PM.

* Provides seasonal Christmas gift assistance for low-income families with children birth to 16 years of age. 

* Provides foods for a Christmas meal to adults, seniors, and families in need. 

Eligibility: Auburn residents only. Referrals can be made for residents outside of Auburn.

Application Process: Specific Sign-up dates will be made available in September 2025. IN PERSON SIGN-UPS: 1. Valid ID with proof of residency for all adults in household. 2. Valid proof of dependent children living in house-hold (Birth Certificate OR Insurance card OR Benefit card for each Child). 4. Proof of Income & Expenses (Examples: Paystubs/proof of pay, OR SNAP OR Medical Benefit Cards or award letters. 5. Clothing sizes and three (3) toy wishes for each child.

Required Documentation: SNAP Recipients: Parent or Legal Guardian Photo ID w/ proof of current address. SNAP award letter or recent printout from DHS – this letter should include a list of all household members currently living in the home. For those with children 16 years of age and younger: Birth Certificates OR Insurance cards OR Social Security Cards for each Child currently living in home. Children’s Wishlist, Clothing & Shoe sizes. NON-SNAP Recipients: Parent or Legal Guardian photo ID. Birth Certificate or copy of insurance card for each child birth to 16 years of age. Utility bill and rent receipt. Proof of income- Award letters, paystubs, bank statements etc. Clothing sizes and three toy wishes for each child.

Fees: No fee for services.

Coverage Note: City of Auburn.


Salvation Army Cayuga County is a multi-service agency providing youth programs; women's programs; religious instruction; assistance for food, emergency relief for disaster victims; visitation to families and shut-ins.
