Vision Rehabilitation Services
provided by Goodwill of the Finger Lakes

Goodwill of the Finger Lakes
Rochester NY 14620
- Low Vision Evaluations - specialized lenses, visual aids, magnifiers.
- InSight Shop – full service non-optical store, offering adaptive devices, visual aids, talking watches & clocks, cooking aids, large print items, frames, magnifiers, lighting, and adapted toys for sale.
- Vision Rehabilitation/adaptive skills training for activities of daily living.
- Orientation and mobility travel training.
- Social work/case management services.
- Support groups available – 3rd TU of month 10:00AM-12:00PM. Call for accessibility needs.
* Offers Adaptive Technology services – to support vocational/educational goals – adaptations for computers, specialized software and hardware by referral of a New York State Commission for the Blind vocational rehabilitation counselor.
* Provides children's services that include:
- Monthly recreation programs for children who are legally blind and their families.
- Parent support/education group/Family Resource Center.
Language Access
Eligibility: Visual impairment or legal blindness. Vocational/employment services: For individuals who are legally blind, ages 14 and up, by referral of a New York State Commission for the Blind vocational rehabilitation counselor.
Application Process: Call for information.
Required Documentation: Medical eye report.
Fees: Most 3rd party insurances are accepted for low vision evaluations, including Medicare. Reduced fee policy is available based on eligibility. New York State Commission for the Blind contracted services.
Coverage Note: Livingston, Monroe, Ontario, Seneca , Steuben, Wayne, and Yates Counties. Other counties per request of individual seeking service.
Goodwill of the Finger Lakes prepares and empowers people with barriers to independence to be self-sufficient and contribute to their families and communities.