Medical Equipment Loan Closet
provided by Gates Greece Lions

Greece Ridge Lions
Rochester NY 14626
(Voicemail only)
By appointment only.
* Offers medical equipment loans of the following:
- Crutches.
- Canes.
- Commodes.
- Shower chairs.
- Walkers.
- Wheelchairs.
* Accepts donations of eyeglasses.
Eligibility: Residents of the town of Greece and Gates.
Application Process: Leave a message to set up an appointment to meet at our loan closet to fill out paperwork to borrow equipment for short-term use. No deliveries.
Required Documentation: None.
Fees: Donations accepted but not required.
Coverage Note: Zip codes 14606, 14624, Towns of Gates and Greece and community of Charlotte. Will not refuse other zip codes.
Greece Ridge Lions Club provides medical equipment loans.