Sexaholics Anonymous/SA
provided by Sexaholics Anonymous/SA

Sexaholics Anonymous/SA
Wheelchair accessible.
* Provides a twelve step program for those who want to stop their self-destructive, sexual behavior and helps members achieve sexual sobriety.
* Modeled after Alcoholics Anonymous, SA is a fellowship of men and women helping one another to recover from sexual addiction.
Language Access
Eligibility: Desire to stop lusting and become sexually sober. Must be interviewed before attending closed meetings. Listen to recorded message before leaving a confidential message.
Application Process: Call for information or attend the open meeting.
Required Documentation: None.
Fees: No fee for services.
Coverage Note: Monroe County. No one is turned away.
Languages: American Sign Language -
Sexaholics Anonymous/SA is a twelve step program for those who want to stop their self-destructive, sexual behavior.