Steppingstone Supportive Living Program

provided by YWCA of Rochester and Monroe County

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YWCA of Rochester and Monroe County

175 N Clinton Avenue
Rochester NY 14604
(Amy Wells)
Office: M-F 8:00AM-5:00PM. 24-Hour switchboard coverage.
Bus Service:

Public Transportation Available.


* Provides individual and group substance abuse treatment. Services include:

  • Residential treatment program for women in recovery making the transition to independent living
  • Social activities such as holiday parties provide women with the opportunity to form supportive friendships, addressing the isolation that often accompanies chemical dependency
  • Urinalysis
  • Advocacy services
  • Personal development and skill-building workshops
  • Educational programs
  • AIDS, wellness and recovery, life skills
  • Relapse prevention
  • After care case management for those who leave the substance abuse or transitional housing programs
  • Referrals for inpatient treatment or detoxification
  • Referrals to community resources such as health care and vocational training
  • Individual and group counseling
  • Parenting classes
  • On site drop-in childcare for clients who reside in the program
  • 29 furnished apartments available for women and women with children

Eligibility: Steppingstone: Women, ages 18 years and older. Women with children. Steppingstone supportive living apartments: Referral from OASAS-licensed agency.

Application Process: Call 585-368-2225 during business hours for more information.

Required Documentation: None.

Fees: Sliding scale fees for most programs. Accepts child care subsidies and Social Services housing allowances.

Coverage Note: Monroe County. Will accept out of county applicants but will need payment approval first.

Languages: Spanish


YWCA of Rochester and Monroe County is a social services agency targeting the needs of women and families -  men are accepted in some of the programs. Services include a fall continuum of housing options, recovery services, parenting and pregnant teen services and racial justice programs.
