Webster Community Chest
provided by Webster Community Chest

Webster Community Chest
1000 Ridge Road
Webster NY 14580
Webster NY 14580
(WCC Benefits Counselors)
(Benefits Counselors)
24 hour answering machine. Calls returned within 24 hours.
* Provides emergency financial assistance for:
* Offers scholarships to Webster High School seniors.
* Offers summer camp scholarships to children in Webster families who qualify.
* Offers food support to families experiencing food insecurity through the meal center program.
- Rent.
- Utilities.
- Medical bills.
- Car Repairs.
* Offers scholarships to Webster High School seniors.
* Offers summer camp scholarships to children in Webster families who qualify.
* Offers food support to families experiencing food insecurity through the meal center program.
Eligibility: Resident of area served, generally the 14580 zip code.
Application Process: Call for information.
Required Documentation: Proof of residency. Documents/proof of need.
Fees: No fee for services.
Coverage Note: Zip code 14580.
Webster Community Chest provides emergency financial assistance as well as food services to the community.