Charlotte Community Association

provided by Charlotte Community Association

Map Marker 1

Charlotte Community Association

PO Box 12768
Charlotte Station
Rochester NY 14612
(Leave message)
No office hours. 24-hour answering service. General meetings: First M 7:00PM, Robach Center. Executive board meeting: First M 6:00PM.
Bus Service:

Public Transportation Available.

Disabilities Access:

Both are Wheelchair Accessible.


* Seeks to preserve the history, promote a sense of community and improve the physical conditions and quality of life in the Charlotte area.

* Offers crime prevention activities.

* Monitors zoning and code violations.

* Coordinates activities at Charlotte Beach.

* Sponsors social and cultural activities at Ontario Beach Park.

* Oversees improvements and acting as watchdog for revitalization of Ontario Beach Park.

* Scholarships for area high school students.

Eligibility: None.

Application Process: Applications available online, or call and leave message for information.

Required Documentation: None.

Fees: Membership fees: $50 Benefactor, $40 Sustaining, $30 Patron, $20 Single Member, $15 Senior and student.

Coverage Note: Charlotte and surrounding areas in the City of Rochester, bounded by Holy Sepulchre Cemetery, Genesee River, Lake Ontario and the City Line.


Charlotte Community Association provides a forum for local residents and stakeholders to come together and discuss issues and to plan and promote events that occur in the neighborhood.
