Food Pantries
provided by Sodus Point United Methodist Church

Sodus Point United Methodist Church
7490 S Ontario Street
Sodus Point NY 14555
Sodus Point NY 14555
By appointment only.
* Provides an emergency food pantry. Food items include canned goods, produce, frozen meat, baked goods, baby food, and voucher for milk & eggs. Food is provided as available through donations.
- Food for three days, given once per month up to 6 times per year.
- Transportation assistance is generally not provided.
Eligibility: Resident of area served.
Application Process: Referrals accepted from Department of Social Services, social services agencies, self-referrals, and faith community. Call the church for volunteers phone numbers to arrange an appointment. Fill out information sheet at appointment. Personal interview required.
Required Documentation: Proof of residency.
Fees: No fee for service.
Coverage Note: Township of Sodus and villages included in the Town of Sodus (includes addresses in the Sodus Central School District).
Sodus Point United Methodist Church provides church services and an emergency food pantry.