Residential Services

provided by CDS Monarch

Map Marker 1

CDS Wolf Life Transitions Center

860 Hard Road
Webster NY 14580
(Voice and TDD/TTY)
Office: 8:00AM-5:00PM. Varies according to program. Call for information.

* Provides residential services for adults with Intellectual disabilities and community residential habilitation.

* Provides Medicaid service coordination.

* Provides Traumatic Brain Injury service coordination.

* Offers Asperger family support services.

* Provides guardianship program.

* Provides volunteer services to not-for-profit agencies and other area organizations by CDS clients.

Eligibility: Ages 18 years or over. Developmentally disabled. Additional requirements for each program.

Application Process: Call for information.

Required Documentation: Call for information.

Fees: Medicaid. Varies by program.

Coverage Note: Monroe County.

Languages: American Sign Language


Support services for people that are developmentally disabled including residential services, day habilitation, children's services, Medicaid service coordination, community habilitation, supported employment, and sheltered employment.
