Traumatic Brain Injury Waiver Program
provided by New York State Department of Health

New York State Department of Health Traumatic Brain Injury Waiver
Rochester NY 14611
* Authorization of services to individuals with traumatic brain injury or stroke. Waiver allows payment and budgeting for services. Participant may be elegible for rent subsidies and husing supports and limited one-time payment for furtniture and household supplies.
* Management of Medicaid insurance money.
* Linkage to services.
Eligibility: Diagnosis of traumatic brain injury, including stroke. Medicaid recipient. Ages 18-64 years of age. Eligible for nursing home care per nursing evaluation, PRI, screen.
Application Process: Call for information. Referral form is reviewed and interview is scheduled.
Required Documentation: Call for information.
Fees: Medicaid.
Coverage Note: Monroe, Wayne, Ontario, Seneca, Genesee, Livingston, and Yates Counties.
New York State Department of Health oversees sites and programs devoted to diagnoses, treatment and research for public health problems. Reviews quality of health related programs including nursing homes. Response to health threats. Facilitates professional medical discipline.