HIV Uninsured Care Program
provided by New York State Department of Health

New York State Department of Health HIV Uninsured Care Program
Empire Station
PO Box 2052
Albany NY 12220
PO Box 2052
Albany NY 12220
Toll Free:
(New York State Relay)
(Out of state)
M-F 8:00AM-5:00PM.
* Offers free medication for individuals with HIV/AIDS through the AIDS Drug Assistance Program/ADAP.
* Offers free primary care for people with HIV/AIDS through the AIDS Drug Assistance Program/ADAP Plus.
* Offers free home care for chronically dependent individuals with HIV/AIDS.
* Maintains a hotline for AIDS and HIV questions.
* Offers free primary care for people with HIV/AIDS through the AIDS Drug Assistance Program/ADAP Plus.
- DOES NOT COVER hospitalization or Emergency Room visits.
* Offers free home care for chronically dependent individuals with HIV/AIDS.
* Maintains a hotline for AIDS and HIV questions.
Eligibility: New York State resident. U.S. citizenship is not required. Eligible if waiting for Medicaid or insurance coverage. Eligible to teenagers if unable to use their parents money or resources. Call for income guidelines which is the same for all components of the program.
Application Process: Call for information.
Required Documentation: Call for information.
Fees: No fee for services.
Coverage Note: New York State.
New York State Department of Health oversees sites and programs devoted to diagnoses, treatment and research for public health problems. Reviews quality of health related programs including nursing homes. Response to health threats. Facilitates professional medical discipline.