Lafayette Housing
provided by Catholic Charities Family and Community Services

Catholic Charities Family and Community Services
Rochester NY 14604
SA and evenings by appointment.
Next to Downtown RTS hub.
* Provides safe, affordable apartment for individuals and families.
* Provides case management services that include intake/assessment and service planning, information/referral and follow-up.
* Provides alcohol/substance abuse and mental health referral.
* Offers on-site drug and alcohol education, literacy training, employability assessments, and other services as needed.
Eligibility: Must be 18 years of age or older. Must be homeless – according to the Housing and Urban Development (HUD) definition. Must have some form of income (employment income, SSI/SSDI, public assistance, etc.). Must have a diagnosable disability (according to the HUD definition). Must be willing to abide by program rules.
Application Process: Referral must be made to the Program Coordinator and an application must be completed.
Required Documentation: Proof of disability and homelessness.
Fees: Portion no greater than 30% of the client's income will be charged for rent.
Coverage Note: Monroe County.
Catholic Charities Family and Community Services is a human services agency providing a broad range of care coordination, employment and housing services to children, families and adults/elderly. CCFCS works with all denominations committed to addressing local needs.