Health Outreach Center
provided by Geneseo Parish Outreach Center
Geneseo Parish Outreach Center
4520 Genesee Street
Geneseo NY 14454
Geneseo NY 14454
Requires an appointment. Call M-TH 9:00AM-12:00PM.
Evening hours available.
Evening hours available.
Bus Service:
CATS bus service with prior notice.
Disabilities Access:
* Offers direct physical and mental health care.
* Provides referrals for:
- Primary health care for adults and children including:
- screenings for physical exams (including pre-employment), cancer, anemia, diabetes, hypertension, obesity, cholesterol, and hearing.
- Family and pediatric medicine.
- Mental health counseling.
- Dentistry.
- Medication assistance.
- Podiatry.
- Chiropractic.
- Health Education.
- Insurance Navigation.
- Chronic Disease Prevention & Management.
- Medical Expense Assistance.
- Nutrition Education.
* Provides referrals for:
- Women's Health (pap smears, mammograms).
- Specialists.
- Grief Support.
- Spiritual Support.
Eligibility: Uninsured or underinsured. 300% or less of the poverty level.
Application Process: Call for appointment.
Required Documentation: Proof of insurance/insurance card, if available. Proof of income.
Fees: Request $10 donation for services. Request a $30 donation for physicals.
Coverage Note: New York State.
Geneseo Parish Outreach Center provides health care for adults and children, mental health counseling, dentistry and medication assistance to those who are uninsured. It also provides a Foodlink Emergency Food Pantry.