Teresa House

provided by Teresa House

Map Marker 1

Teresa House

21 Highland Road
Geneseo NY 14454
Open 24 hours when residents are there. Call for information.

* Provides residential comfort care for terminally ill in the last 3 months of life.

  • Pain control and symptom management.
  • Trained staff and volunteers.
  • Resident's family/friends encouraged to participate.

Cultural Competency BadgeCultural Competency

Eligibility: Residents: medically determined to be in the last 3 months of life.

Application Process: Physicians, families, social service agencies and Livingston County hospice.

Required Documentation: None.

Fees: No fee for service.

Coverage Note: Priority to Livingston County residents and their families. Residents of surrounding counties also considered depending on bed availability.

Cultural Competency: Staff reflects population served


Teresa House offers a comfort care ministry to residents who are nearing the end of a terminal illness, and to their families.
