Hospice Care
provided by Serenity House

Serenity House
Victor NY 14564
* Offers a two bed home providing care for the terminally ill and families. Nurse on site or on call. Care coordinated with UR Home Care Hospice.
Cultural Competency
Language Access
Eligibility: Less than 3 months to live. No provision of care for feeding tubes. Must have Do Not Resuscitate order.
Application Process: Call for more information. Nurse goes to the home after referral has been made. Patient is assessed for appropriateness of placement.
Required Documentation: Referral from physician or agency or can be made directly.
Fees: No fee for services. Donations accepted.
Coverage Note: Ontario County. Other outlying counties. Call for information.
Cultural Competency: Cultural competency, diversity, equity, and inclusion training for staff, Staff reflects population served
Languages: Language line
Serenity House offers an ideal alternative to hospitals, nursing homes and in-house care.