provided by Community Action in Self Help

* Provides a variety of services to ensure that residents, regardless of income, are able to sustain safe and affordable housing.
- Foreclosure Prevention Services - Homeowners delinquent in their mortgage payments or in jeopardy of foreclosure can receive counseling to examine their budget, explore their options and establish an action plan. Certified Counselors assist with setting up repayment plans, loan modifications, short payoffs and deed in lieu of foreclosure. There is no fee for these services.
- Online Homebuyer Education Classes - Provides classes online through eHome. Upon completion clients will schedule a short session with an Agency housing counselor to answer any remaining questions and receive their certificate.
- Rental Counseling - Provides assistance in securing rental housing or negotiating issues with their current landlord.
- Credit Counseling.
Eligibility: Varies depending on service provided, call for information.
Application Process: Go online or walk in. Appointments are available if assistance is needed.
Required Documentation: Proof of income, proof of expenses, proof of address, other documents will be requested with the application.
Fees: Varies depending on service provided, call for information.
Coverage Note: Wayne, Ontario, and Seneca Counties.
Community Action in Self Help focuses on housing related services.