Direct Support Services
provided by Lakeview Health Services

Lakeview Health Services
Geneva NY 14456
Please call ahead to confirm hours and schedule of activities.
Wheelchair accessible.
* Offers a broad array of services which include:
- Treatment Residential:
- Community residences.
- Supportive apartment programs.
- Single room occupancy (SRO).
- Crisis Respite.
- Supported housing.
- Transitional housing.
- Children and Youth Care management.
- Adult Health home care management.
- Forensic case management.
- Outreach and non-medicaid case management.
- Recovery support services for individuals recovering from both mental health and substance use disorders.
Cultural Competency
Language Access
Eligibility: Call for information. Forensic Case Management must be incarcerated in Ontario County.
Application Process: Call or visit website for information. Forensic Case Management direct referral.
Required Documentation: Call for information.
Fees: Varies according to program. Call for information.
Coverage Note: Ontario, Seneca, Yates, Wayne, Livingston and Tompkins Counties. Clients may be referred from outside these areas. Call for information.
Cultural Competency: Cultural competency, diversity, equity, and inclusion training for staff, Staff reflects population served
Languages: Language line
Lakeview Health Services is dedicated to helping individuals identify and achieve personally meaningful life goals and to realize their full potential.