Evelyn Brandon Health Center
provided by Evelyn Brandon Health Center

Evelyn Brandon Health Center
Rochester NY 14608
F 8:00AM-5:00PM.
Bus stop on Lake avenue.
Wheelchair accessible.
* Offers substance abuse evaluation and assessment.
* Offers outpatient substance abuse treatment.
- Drug and alcohol services for all ages.
* Offers outpatient detoxification.
* Offers nicotine treatment.
* Provides family programs that include:
- Codependency groups.
- Intervention services to assist family members to get individuals into treatment.
* Provides outpatient mental health treatment.
- Individual, group and family therapy.
- Mental health evaluations.
- Teen After-School Program.
- Young Adults Program.
- Older Adults Program.
- Outreach to local middle and high schools.
Language Access
Eligibility: Chemically dependent and family. Adolescent treatment services: ages 12-19 years. Older adult program: ages 45 years and older. Inpatient rehabilitation: ages 18 years and older. Financial criteria apply. Call for information.
Application Process: Call for information.
Required Documentation: Call for information.
Fees: Third party insurance. Medicaid. Sliding scale based on income.
Coverage Note: Monroe County, No one will be turned away.
The Evelyn Brandon Health Center offers mental health and chemical dependency treatment services.