Behavioral Health - Home and Community Based Services
provided by The Arc Wayne

The Arc Wayne
Newark NY 14513
services available 24 hours a day.
* Provides Behavioral Health - Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) available to adults meeting the criteria of Serious Mental Illness and/or Substance Use Disorder. Enables HARP members to access BH HCBS without enrollment into a health home. Services include:
- Psychosocial Rehabilitation.
- Habilitation.
- Family Support and Training.
- Prevocational Services.
- Transitional Employment.
- Intensive Supported Employment.
- Ongoing Supported Employment.
Eligibility: Enrolled in a Medicaid-managed care plan called a Health and Recovery Plan (HARP) plan. HCBS eligibility. Call for more information.
Application Process: By appointment.
Required Documentation: Call for information.
Fees: Call for information.
Coverage Note: Wayne County.
The Arc Wayne provides individuals with developmental and intellectual disabilities and their families with residential, rehabilitation, crisis intervention, clinical support, Early Intervention and pre-K services, work opportunities and support services, recreation, day services, and more.