Senior Center

provided by Don W. Cook Henrietta Senior Center

Map Marker 1

Don W. Cook Henrietta Senior Center

515 Calkins Road
Henrietta NY 14467
M-F 9:00AM-3:00PM.

* Provides information and referral for legal and financial matters, transportation difficulties, housing availability, and health service & counseling.

* Provides on site assistance with tax preparation, Medicare forms and the Home Energy Assistance Program.

* Provides recreation and social programs, as well as travel days, cards, dancing and celebrations.

* Provides transportation to and from center.

Eligibility: Ages 60 years and older. Spouse of any age. Transportation: Ages 60 years and older. Must be a resident of Henrietta. Meals provided as part of the Monroe County Nutrition program.

Application Process: Call for information.

Required Documentation: Call for information.

Fees: No fee for services.

Coverage Note: Town of Henrietta.

Languages: English


Senior resource, activity and nutrition center.
