Fairport Perinton Senior Living Council

provided by Fairport Perinton Senior Living Council

Map Marker 1

Fairport Perinton Senior Living Council

4646 Nine Mile Point Road
Fairport NY 14450
(Senior Living Council)
(SOFI Care Management)
(Elderbus & Volunteer Driver program)
M-F 8:30AM-4:00PM.
Disabilities Access:

Elderbus is wheelchair accessible. Volunteer drivers use their own vehicles.


* Provides a community-based volunteer group that assists area elderly in maintaining independent lifestyles.

* Offers independent living options for seniors, including rentals for low-income older adults.

* Offers a care management and transportation program, Senior Options for Independence Program (SOFI).
  • Care Managers meet with residents to assess their needs, offer services so that they may remain independent in their own homes as long as possible and then follow up.
  • Elderbus provides transportation 5 days each week so that seniors can complete essential errands like grocery shopping, have their hair done or get to a local doctor appointment. Transportation outside of Fairport and Perinton is also available.

Language Access BadgeLanguage Access

Eligibility: Individuals ages 60 or older or individuals with disabilities who live within the Town of Perinton and the Village of Fairport.

Application Process: Call for information.

Required Documentation: Proof of income.

Fees: SOFI and Elder Bus: no fees for service. Suggested Donations $3.00 one way or $5.00 roundtrip, donations accepted but not required.

Coverage Note: Towns of Perinton and Fairport.

Languages: Spanish -


Fairport Perinton Senior Connections is a community-based volunteer group that assists area elderly in maintaining independent lifestyles and independent living options. They jointly fund and operate the Senior Options for Independence Program (SOFI) with Fairport Baptist Homes.
