Food Pantries

provided by King Ferry Food Pantry

Map Marker 1

King Ferry Food Pantry

2384 State Route 34B
Southern Cayuga High School Ag Wing
Aurora NY 13026
Open First and Third SA 9:00AM-12:00PM, or any day by appointment.

* Offers a food pantry.
  • Drive-through service. Clients can choose their foods.
    Clients fill out order forms and volunteers load items into clients' vehicles.

Eligibility: Residents of Southern Cayuga School District.

Application Process: Intake form will be provided at first visit, and renews annually.

Required Documentation: Proof of address for the household.

Fees: No fee for service.

Coverage Note: Southern Cayuga School District.

Languages: Spanish


King Ferry Food Pantry provides a food pantry serving the Southern Cayuga School District in Southern Cayuga County.
