Perinton Recreation and Parks Department Senior Citizens
provided by Perinton Recreation and Parks Department Senior Citizens

Perinton Recreation and Parks Department Senior Citizens
1350 Turk Hill Road
Fairport NY 14450
Fairport NY 14450
585-223-5050 ext. 1130
(Community Room Programs)
(Recreation Department)
(Senior Office/Transportation to and from the center)
(Van transportation for appointments)
M-F 7:30AM-4:00PM.
Bus Service:
Call for information on bus schedule.
* Provides programs and services for senior citizens.
- Recreation programs
- Aquatic Center Programs
- Hot meals
- Retired Men's Social Club
- Retired Women's Club
* Provides transportation services.
- Town of Perinton bus
- Provided to Perinton Community Center programs
- Van transportation
- Wheelchair lift
Eligibility: Age 55 or older. Resident of area served.
Application Process: Walk in, call or visit website for information.
Required Documentation: None.
Fees: Meals: $6.50-$7.50. Town bus to and from center: $2.00. Van for appointments: Call for information. Other fees for activities and events: As listed online.
Coverage Note: Town of Perinton and Fairport.
Perinton Recreation and Parks Department Senior Citizens offers a wide variety of programs and services for senior citizens.