Animal Services
provided by Rochester City Hall

Rochester Animal Services
184 Verona Street
Rochester NY 14608
Rochester NY 14608
(Pet Pantry Only)
Phone 3:
(311 - non emergency animal reports)
Phone 2:
(Rochester Animal Services)
(Outside of City limits)
Crisis Line:
(Emergencies Only)
M-SA 12:00PM-3:30PM (adoptions and visitations end at 3:00pm)
After hours, 7 days a week call 311.
After hours, 7 days a week call 311.
Disabilities Access:
Designated Parking.
* Provides a municipal animal resource center for at-risk animals that are homeless, injured, or pose imminent public safety concerns within the Rochester City limits.
* Provides lost and found pet reunification and pet rehoming services.
* Addresses city ordinances regarding companion animals with information sharing, supportive services, and enforcement.
* Offers free pet services including pet food and supplies, vaccinations, identification tags, microchips, spay and neuter surgeries, wellness exams, and community veterinary care.
* Accepts donations - visit the website www.cityofrochester/RASdonations for wish list and monetary donations.
* Provides lost and found pet reunification and pet rehoming services.
* Addresses city ordinances regarding companion animals with information sharing, supportive services, and enforcement.
* Offers free pet services including pet food and supplies, vaccinations, identification tags, microchips, spay and neuter surgeries, wellness exams, and community veterinary care.
- All adopted animals receive a certificate for one free veterinary examination.
* Accepts donations - visit the website www.cityofrochester/RASdonations for wish list and monetary donations.
Eligibility: Call or visit website for information.
Application Process: Call or visit website for information.
Required Documentation: Call for information.
Fees: Call or visit website for information.
Coverage Note: City of Rochester.
Rochester City Hall provides city government offices.