Monroe County Child Support Services Unit
provided by Monroe County Child Support Enforcement Unit

Monroe County Child Support Enforcement Unit
33 N Fitzhugh Street
City Place
Rochester NY 14614
City Place
Rochester NY 14614
(NYS TTY Line)
(New York State Child Support Helpline)
(Appointment line for new cases only)
M-F 9:00AM-11:45AM, 1:00PM-3:00PM.
Walk-in hours: Only current customers to discuss Child Support case concerns with their assigned examiner.
M, TU, TH, F 9:00AM-11:45AM.
W 9:00AM-11:45AM, 1:00PM-3:00PM.
Walk-in hours: Only current customers to discuss Child Support case concerns with their assigned examiner.
M, TU, TH, F 9:00AM-11:45AM.
W 9:00AM-11:45AM, 1:00PM-3:00PM.
Bus Service:
Public Transportation Available.
* Provides custodial parents with assistance in obtaining financial support and medical insurance coverage for their children by locating parents, establishing parentage, establishing or modifying support orders, and collecting and distributing child support payments.
Language Access
Eligibility: Applicants for service must have custody of child. Provides customer service only for non-custodial parents.
Application Process: Applications may be dropped off at drop box or delivered directly at CSSU Waiting Room, after application is received, applicants will be contacted for an appointment.
Required Documentation: Call for information.
Fees: Call for information.
Coverage Note: Monroe County.
Languages: American Sign Language -
Monroe County child support Enforcement Unit helps custodial parents obtain financial support and medical insurance for their children, establishing parentage, setting or modifying support orders, and collecting and distributing payments.