R Community Bikes
provided by R Community Bikes

R Community Bikes
226 Hudson Avenue
Rochester NY 14605
Rochester NY 14605
(Answering machine)
M-SA 9:00AM-1:00PM.
Off site hours throughout the community during the summer.
Off site hours throughout the community during the summer.
* Donated bikes repaired and given away to needy children and eligible adults through the Bike giveaway program.
- No guarantee of obtaining a bicycle.
- Depends on availability and fit.
- Demand exceeds supply.
- Bikes can be purchased as well.
- Monetary donations accepted.
Eligibility: Must have a lock and chain with you or be prepared to buy one from provider. No exceptions to either requirement. Children, ages 18 years and younger: Must be accompanied by parent. Lock will be needed if adult bike is obtained.
Application Process: Call or check website for information.
Required Documentation: Adults need: Personal identification and lock to secure your bike, or $5 to purchase one from us. Children under 18 years of age need: a parent or guardian with them.
Fees: Locks $5. Bikes vary.
Coverage Note: No geographic limit.
Languages: American Sign Language
R Community Bikes provides free bicycles and repairs to people in need.