Disaster Services

provided by Healthcare Ready

Map Marker 1

Healthcare Ready

1325 G St NW
Suite 500
Washington DC 20005
Site Support Team:
Toll Free:
Office: M-F 6:00AM-8:00PM. Website: 24 hours.

* Ensures the continued flow of health care to patients during a severe public health emergency, including a natural disaster, a large-scale terrorist attack or a pandemic. 

* Offers a website to show which pharmacies and dialysis centers are open during a disaster. 

* Provides a hotline to assist patients impacted by a disaster who have a nonemergency medicine or health-related need. 

Eligibility: Individual impacted by a disaster event.

Application Process: Check website. Pharmacy availability can be checked at www.rxopen.org. Call for information.

Required Documentation: None.

Fees: No fee for service.

Coverage Note: United States.


Healthcare Ready supports the continued delivery of critical medicines to patients whose health is threatened by a severe public health emergency, such as a natural disaster, terrorist attack, or pandemic that disrupts patients access to healthcare.