Retrouvaille of Rochester Weekend Experience
provided by Retrouvaille of Rochester NY Inc.

Retrouvaille of Rochester NY Inc.
Rochester NY 14692
Check website for locations, dates, information.
All facilities are wheelchair accessible.
* Offers a peer Christian ministry that focuses on troubled marriages. Mutual support groups for married couples only. Virtual programs are offered.
* Voluntary ongoing support offered after the program.
* Weekend sessions and 6 Saturday 4-hour sessions.
* Presentations by a Catholic priest and married couples.
Eligibility: Must be legally married. Due to Catholicity and peer-ministry nature of program, non-heterosexual couples cannot be served at this time. All faiths/no faith welcome to participate. Must have completed the weekend and post-weekend (6 weeks) sessions to be in the support group.
Application Process: Call for information or register on-line. Because of the confidentiality promised to couples going through program, program sites will be revealed to those who register and/or wish to attend the support group.
Required Documentation: Call for information.
Fees: Non-refundable registration fee required to confirm registration. Fees maybe waived depending on the situation.
Coverage Note: New York State.
Retrouvaille of Rochester offers peer-ministered support groups and presentation weekends for married couples whose relationships are troubled or failing. In-person and virtual weekends and follow-ups are offered in 27 countries in multiple languages.