CP Rochester
provided by CP Rochester

CP Rochester
Rochester NY 14623
Hours vary according to service. Call for information.
* Provides services for individuals with physical or multiple disabilities and their families that include:
- Pediatric rehabilitative services.
- Occupational, physical and speech therapy for all ages.
- School contract services for pre-schoolers and school aged children.
- Early Intervention services.
- Preschool for children with and without special needs.
- Adult services.
- Life skills/day program services.
- Assistive technology.
- Residential services.
- Transitional apartments.
- Respite services for adults and children in-home.
- Individual and family support services.
- Site- and community-based respite and habilitation services.
- Support services, including family reimbursement and transportation (see Project Access info below).
- Clinic Services.
- Adaptive equipment assessments.
- Occupational Therapy.
- Physical Therapy.
- Speech-Language Therapy.
- Behavioral Health Services.
- Psychiatry.
- Brokerage Services/Self Direction.
- Sports Net Adaptive Sports.
- Project Access.
- Transportation service for people with physical disabilities who lives with their families and are not being transported to respite program.
Eligibility: Must have physical or multiple disabilities for most services. Preschool Special Education: age 3-5. Early Intervention Services: birth to age 3. Pediatric Rehabilitative Services: birth to age 21. Dental Services: age 3 and older. All other programs/services: call for information.
Application Process: Call for information.
Required Documentation: Call for information.
Fees: None for most programs. Respite/SportsNet Services: call for information.
Coverage Note: Monroe, Genesee, Livingston, Ontario, Wayne, Orleans, and Wyoming Counties.
CP Rochester supports individuals of all ages and abilities in determining their own pathway in life. Partners with individuals, their families and the community to fulfill the individuals right to live a productive and rewarding life. Provides a wide range of quality health, educational and support services in the greater Rochester area to assist individuals in achieving their goals.