provided by AMVETS National Service Foundation

AMVETS National Service Foundation
4647 Forbes Boulevard
Lanham MD 20706
Lanham MD 20706
M-F 8:00AM-4:30PM.
* Awards scholarships to veterans/active military, their sons, daughters or grand-children. A son, daughter or grandchild of a deceased veteran is also eligible.
- Awarded on the basis of academic excellence and financial need, the scholarships go to deserving high school seniors, high school JROTC students, and veterans pursuing a higher education.
Eligibility: Varies depending on the scholarship. Visit website for information.
Application Process: Visit website for information.
Required Documentation: Visit website for information.
Fees: No fee for services.
Coverage Note: United States.
AMVETS National Service Foundation supports Veterans through service programs and community and youth-oriented programs designed to promote unity and patriotism.