Better Contractors Bureau LTD

provided by Better Contractors Bureau LTD

Map Marker 1

Better Contractors Bureau LTD

1151 Titus Avenue
Rochester NY 14617
M-F 10:00AM-4:00PM.
Bus Service:

Public transportation available.


* Provides a consumer protection agency that assists homeowners with contractors.

* Investigates consumer complaints regarding home improvement.

* Provides homeowner inspections.

* Offers mediation in consumer-contractor conflicts.

* Provides a consumer guide and a contractors directory.

Eligibility: None for services. Member contractors must meet qualifications.

Application Process: Call for information.

Required Documentation: Contractors must have proof of insurance.

Fees: No fee for services. Complaint Form processing fee: $30.00. Inspection fee: Within Monroe County: $300.00. Outside of Monroe County: $350.00. Consumer guides: Free.

Coverage Note: Monroe, Livingston, Genesee, Ontario, Wayne, and Orleans Counties.


Better Contractors Bureau is a consumer protection agency established to assist homeowners when dealing with contractors.
