Wayne County Public Health

provided by Wayne County Public Health

Map Marker 1

Wayne County Public Health

1519 Nye Road
Suite 200
Lyons NY 14489
Toll Free:
After Hours:
(24 Emergency )
M-F 8:00AM-4:30PM.
Bus Service:

Public transportation available.

Disabilities Access:

Wheelchair access, elevators.


* Offers a number of different clinics available to adults and children such as: Tuberculosis Control Clinic, Rabies Control, and Child and Adult Immunization Clinics. 

* Offers a tobacco cessation program that includes: Free starter kit, Individual counseling, and printed educational materials. 

* Provides the Early Intervention Program. Services include: Occupational, physical, and speech therapy. 

* Provides Children with Special Health Care Needs help with diagnosis, evaluation and treatment programs.

* Provides the Child Find Program that assists with early identification and referral to services in the community.

* Provides maternal/child health services, including prenatal/maternity education, home visits, and breastfeeding support.

Eligibility: Resident of area served. Call for information.

Application Process: Physician, family, or self-referral. Call for information.

Required Documentation: Call for more information.

Fees: Medicaid. Medicare. Third-party reimbursement. Sliding fee scale. No one denied care because of inability to pay.

Coverage Note: Wayne County.


Wayne County Public Health aims to enhance quality of life by promoting healthy lifestyle choices and by providing various services to protect the health of Wayne County residents.