Perinton Recreation and Parks Department Senior Citizens

provided by Perinton Recreation and Parks Department Senior Citizens

Map Marker 1

Perinton Recreation and Parks Department Senior Citizens

1350 Turk Hill Road
Fairport NY 14450
585-223-5050 ext. 1130
(Community Room Programs)
(Recreation Department)
(Senior Office/Transportation to and from the center)
(Van transportation for appointments)
M-F 7:30AM-4:00PM.
Bus Service:

Call for information on bus schedule.

* Provides programs and services for senior citizens.

  • Recreation programs
  • Aquatic Center Programs
  • Hot meals
  • Retired Men's Social Club
  • Retired Women's Club

* Provides transportation services.

  • Town of Perinton bus
  • Provided to Perinton Community Center programs
  • Van transportation
  • Wheelchair lift

Eligibility: Age 55 or older. Resident of area served.

Application Process: Walk in, call or visit website for information.

Required Documentation: None.

Fees: Meals: $6.50-$7.50. Town bus to and from center: $2.00. Van for appointments: Call for information. Other fees for activities and events: As listed online.

Coverage Note: Town of Perinton and Fairport.


Perinton Recreation and Parks Department Senior Citizens offers a wide variety of programs and services for senior citizens.