Community Services Unit

* Provides crime prevention and safety programs.
  • Presentations and displays.
  • FAIR/Fundamentals of Alcohol Intoxication Recognition.
  • DARE/Drug Abuse Resistance Education.
  • Senior Citizens Police Academy/Clergy Police Academy.
    • Maintain personal safety.
    • Law enforcement resources available in case of emergency.
* Offers a Victim Assistance Program.
  • Domestic violence services.
  • Crisis support.
  • Counseling and referrals.
  • Advocacy services.
  • Case status and court procedure information.
  • Help with obtaining financial reimbursement.
  • Support groups.

Eligibility: Call for information.

Application Process: Call for information.

Required Documentation: Call for information.

Fees: No fee for service.

Coverage Note: Monroe County.

Languages: Sign language. Spanish.