Crouse Health Addiction Treatment Services- Outpatient Programs
provided by Crouse Health Addiction Treatment Services

Crouse Health Addiction Treatment Services
Syracuse NY 13224
* Provides Primary Addiction Treatment Groups that are designed for adults experiencing addiction and it's consequences (legal). Groups varying frequency between 1x a week, 2x a week, 3x a week and 5x a week. Groups focus on the disease concept of addiction including:
- Gender Specific Groups
- How addiction affects the family
- Self-esteem
- Stress management/coping skills
- Introduction to self-help
- Spirituality
- HIV/AIDS education
- Sober social network and leisure activities
* Provides day treatment program for those who struggle to abstain from substance use.
- Activity therapy
- Vocational exploration
- Leisure skills education
- Education on substance disorders
* Provides an evening treatment program for those with a substance use disorder who work, attend school during the day or are the primary caretakers of young children or elderly parents.
* Provides a relapse prevention program for adults in recovery who can benefit from additional support during the process.
* Offers Outpatient Adolescent Services which serves young people with an addiction.
* Provides DWI evaluations. Please call 315-470-8304 for the specific evaluation process and documents needed.
- Group and individual counseling and support
- Expressive therapy
- Chemical dependency education
- Development of sober living skills
Language Access
Eligibility: Varies, call for more information.
Application Process: Call for information.
Required Documentation: Photo identification.
Fees: Medicaid. Third party insurance. Sliding scale based on income.
Coverage Note: New York State.
Crouse Addiction Treatment Services offers a variety of programs to meet the unique needs of individuals with substance use disorders.