Temporary Assistance to Needy Families
provided by Monroe County Department of Human Services

Monroe County Department of Human Services Westfall Road
Rochester NY 14620

Monroe County Human Services Department Saint Paul Street
Rochester NY 14605
Bus service.
* Helps needy men, women and children through the Temporary Assistance to Needy Families. This program consists of cash assistance to eligible needy families that include a minor child living with a parent (including families where both parents are in the household) or a caretaker relative.
* Offers quality housing unit/repair.
* Provides information and referral for DHS clients experiencing difficulties with landlords through the Landlord hotline.
* Offers the employment unit that assists in job seeking services.
* Provides assistance safety planning, obtaining legal documents, and securing safe shelter to TANF clients who are victims of domestic violence.
Language Access
Eligibility: Low or marginal income. Landlords participate in housing and repair program. Landlords must agree to rent for two years at Social Services rate.
Application Process: Call switchboard for referral to appropriate department information.
Required Documentation: Call for information.
Fees: None.
Coverage Note: Monroe County.
Monroe County Department of Human Services provides income support services, medical assistance and comprehensive services to populations in need.