DePaul Mental Health Residential Services Program
provided by DePaul

1931 Buffalo Road
Rochester NY 14624
Rochester NY 14624
(Voice and TDD)
Administrative office: M-F 8:00AM to 4:30PM. Varies according to program. Call for information.
Bus Service:
On a bus line.
Disabilities Access:
Wheelchair accessible.
* Offers Licensed Congregate Treatment Programs.
* Offers Apartment Treatment Programs that prepare individuals to live independent in the community.
* Offers a Scattered-Site Supportive Housing program that secures permanent housing for individuals with a mental illness, those with a dual diagnosis, or those who are homeless, have history of homelessness also with a mental health/dual diagnosis through SPOA or Self referral. Not an Emergency Shelter.
* Offers Community Residence - Single Room Occupancy (CR-SRO) programs providing housing in a service-enriched, recovery-oriented setting.
* Offers Apartment Treatment Programs that prepare individuals to live independent in the community.
* Offers a Scattered-Site Supportive Housing program that secures permanent housing for individuals with a mental illness, those with a dual diagnosis, or those who are homeless, have history of homelessness also with a mental health/dual diagnosis through SPOA or Self referral. Not an Emergency Shelter.
* Offers Community Residence - Single Room Occupancy (CR-SRO) programs providing housing in a service-enriched, recovery-oriented setting.
Eligibility: Call for information.
Application Process: Call or email: for intake.
Required Documentation: Call for information.
Fees: Call for information.
Coverage Note: Monroe County.
DePaul provides a diversity of programs including assisted living programs for seniors, persons with mental illness in recovery, addiction prevention and support programs, vocational programs and affordable housing.