Outpatient Services

provided by Conifer Park

Map Marker 1

Rochester Outpatient Clinic

556 S Clinton Avenue
Rochester NY 14620
Toll Free:
(Central Admissions Line)
M-TH 8:00AM-7:00PM.
F 8:00AM-5:30PM.

* Provides outpatient treatment for substance abuse and chemical dependency.

  • Adolescent group
  • Anger management groups
  • DWI evaluations (completed with evening and Saturday appointments available)
  • DWI specific groups offered
  • Dual focus (for patients with a mental health diagnosis and condition)
  • Early intervention and recovery topics
  • Family systems
  • Gender-specific groups for men and women
  • Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) support group (no fee)
  • Opiate groups
  • PAWS/Stress, anxiety and meditation
  • Relapse prevention
  • Self-help and sober support networks
  • Additional specialized programs

Eligibility: Substance abuse issues.

Application Process: Walk in, appointment, call or visit website for more information.

Required Documentation: Photo ID, insurance card.

Fees: Varies depending on service. Most insurances accepted. Sliding scale fees offered for uninsured patients.

Coverage Note: Monroe, Livingston, and Ontario Counties.


Conifer Park provides individuals and their families with chemical dependency treatment and support services.
